Bulletins & Newsletters
Our “virtual bulletin board” is the place to turn for all the news, announcements, and information you need.
The Community of Gratitude Emergency Food Bank continues to serve families in need of food items, and Trinity continues to be one of the largest contributors! As you know, the holidays are once again upon us. Last year we supported Community of Gratitude through the purchase of $10.00 Walmart gift cards. You donated over $1,000 in Walmart cards. These gift cards are an effective way to distribute assistance to families according to their needs.
We are collecting these cards again this year. If you would like to support this effort this year, please put your Walmart gift cards in the smiling “Turkey Basket” on the front table in the narthex. You can also bring them to the church office if that is more convenient. The deadline for the collection of gift cards is Sunday, November 10.
Join us on Friday, November 29 at 8:30 a.m. to help get the church ready for Christmas. We need volunteers to help decorate both inside and outside the building. Please sign up on the sheet by the drinking fountains in the narthex.
The Always Faithful Bible Study group will begin their next study of the minor prophets with Micah. We meet on selected Tuesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. in room 3. If you are interested in learning more about the prophecies and promises of God, please consider joining us. Check the lesson schedule below and mark your calendar. We will provide books. For more information, call or text Jan Garner.
- November 5 - Lesson 5: Jonah 4:1-11
- January 7 - Lesson 6: Micah 1
- January 21 - Lesson 7: Micah 2
- February 4 - Lesson 8: Micah 3
- February 18 - Lesson 9: Micah 4
- March 4 - Lesson 10: Micah 5
- March 18 - Lesson 11: Micah 6
- April 1 - Lesson 12: Micah 7